Honor Roll for the November 2024 Contest

Kim Eng, Issaquah, WA770
Michael Schneider, Gauting, Germany770
Sue Anderson, Seattle, WA760
Girish Bijoor, Bangalore, India760
Steve White, Broomall, PA760
John Schuler, San Diego, CA750
John Swanson, Seattle, WA750
Barry Bragin, Fort Pierce, FL740
Todd Holes, Glen Ellyn, IL740
Rick Jasper, San Jose, CA740
C. C. Master, Lynnwood, WA740
Christopher Monsour, Frederick, MD740
Eric Moo, Hong Kong740
Aviv Shahaf, Jericho, NY740
Eric Sieg, Issaquah, WA740
Thomas Struppeck, Austin, TX740
Roger Webb, Amherst, MA740
Daniel Bertrand, Calgary, AB730
Mark Chen, Oak Hill, VA730
Jutta Gleisberg, Gauting, Germany730
Bernie Greenspan, Beachwood, OH730
Steve Huhman, Woodstock, GA730
Fred King, McLean, VA730
Andrew MacAlister, Harrow, England730
Patricia McDermott, N. Chesterfield, VA730
Richard Stein, Redmond, WA730
Lanfranco Vecchi, L'Aquila, Italy730
Robert Clow, Glasgow, Scotland720
Sharon Erwin, Lynnwood, WA720
Janet Geoffroy, Seattle, WA720
Jon Green, Melbourne, FL720
Kalyan Mohan, Bangalore, India720
Thomas Trachuk, Walnut Creek, CA720
Bernard Utner, Wiener Neustadt, Austria720
Arbha Vongsvivut, Godfrey, IL720
Tam Yin, Aberdeen, Hong Kong720
Ron Beall, Bellingham, WA710
Abby Chiu, Hong Kong710
Doug Couchman, Tucson, AZ710
Tom Devine, Ferndale, WA710
Louis Glasthal, Berwyn, PA710
Bill Goldstone, Bellingham, WA710
David Ip, Hong Kong710
Scott Lewis, Murray, KY710
Tom Musso, Charleston, SC710
Jim Olson, Charleston, WV710
Joe Scott, Rogers, AR710
Brad Theurer, Gaithersburg, MD710
Jack Brawner, Palm Harbor, FL700
Benoit Brochu, Boulogne Billancourt, France700
Scott Brozell, Half Moon Bay, CA700
Dale Freeman, Englehart, ON700
Jeff Horowitz, Cheshire, CT700
Peter Jargowsky, Boca Raton, FL700
Paul Martin, Duvall, WA700
Venkatesh Ramaratnam, Pune, India700
Joel Singer, Santa Clara, CA700
Joanne Titow, Scottsdale, AZ700
Sridhar Vee, Bangalore, India700

The top scores for last month's contest are listed here.

Congratulations to the high scorers, and thanks to all for participating in the Master Solvers Club.