Partnership Bidding - A Workbook (E-BOOK)

Item ImagePartnership Bidding - A Workbook (E-BOOK)
25th Anniversary Ed
by Mary Paul
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
104 pages. E-book (PDF)

Have you ever had a bidding misunderstanding, even with your regular partner? Of course you have--it's really hard to be sure you've covered every possible sequence, and even if you can do that, you have to remember what you decided. Whatever your preferred system, Mary Paul's Partnership Bidding is the perfect way for you and your partner to work through all the common situations and record your agreements. In addition to a print version, we have created an interactive ebook edition. This version makes it as easy as filling out a convention card--only in much more depth. Go through the questionnaires, check the boxes, fill out the explanations, and voila! You've created your own system book, just like a top professional pair. You can do it in consultation with your favorite partner, or even better, each do it separately and compare your answers. Either way, you'll have a complete record of your bidding and carding agreements with a minimum of effort.