The Setting Trick (E-BOOK)

Item ImageThe Setting Trick (E-BOOK)
Practical Problems in Bridge Defense
by Ian McCance
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
160 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI)

This is a book of problems in defensive cardplay, all the deals being selected from real events. And that means that for once in a problem book, you're not up against a declarer who will always play perfectly. Indeed, sometimes the point of the problem is to take advantage of the opportunity that a slip by declarer has given you. As the title implies, the emphasis throughout is solely on defeating the contract. You are playing teams, not matchpoints, and the number of undertricks or overtricks is irrelevant. You are being encouraged to seek out the critical fourth trick against a major-suit game, the fifth against 3NT, and so on.