Defend Or Declare (E-BOOK)

Item ImageDefend Or Declare (E-BOOK)
72 Deals To Test Your Bridge Skill
by Julian Pottage
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
144 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI)

How good an analyst are you? In 2003, Julian Pottage's Play or Defend won the IBPA Book of the Year award. Using an usual bridge problem format, it gave readers all four hands and challenged them to decide whether they wanted to play or defend. Almost ten years later, this sequel comprises 72 new problems, presented in the same fashion, and asking the same question: defend or declare? These are not double-dummy problems, however, in the normal sense. They are simply interesting deals of the kind that you might encounter in any club game, although perhaps a little more complex than most. Each solution is presented in two parts, allowing the reader to discover any errors in the first attempt, and then go back and rethink the deal in greater depth. Are you up for the challenge?