The Abbot's Senior Moment (E-BOOK)
The Abbot's Senior Moment (E-BOOK) by David Bird List Price: 198 pages. E-book (PDF) For forty-three years, David Bird's tales of the bridge-crazy monks of St. Titus have appeared in magazines around the world. They have been translated into several languages. In this fourteenth collection of stories in book form, the pompous and self-important Abbot wonders for the first time if old age is starting to affect his play. Regular followers of David Bird's work will know what to expect in these tales--a first-rate mixture of amazing bridge, entertaining characters and sparkling dialog. . . The Abbot, Brother Lucius, and the rest of the bridge-crazy inhabitants of the Monastery of St. Titus need no introduction. The author continues to produce stories of their triumphs and disasters, and these appear regularly in bridge magazines all over the world. It has been more than five years since the last Abbot collection appeared, and it is clearly time for another. This book contains stories that will be new to anyone who does not make it a habit to read half a dozen bridge magazines from cover to cover every month. |
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