Step by Step: Playing Notrump Contracts (E-BOOK)
Step by Step: Playing Notrump Contracts (E-BOOK) by Robert Berthe • Norbert Lebely List Price: 176 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI) Forty years ago, in 1980, Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely put the finishing touches on two books that would revolutionize the teaching of bridge cardplay: the first two books in the Step by Step series (Pas a Pas in the original French). Based on an innovative yet clear and easily-understandable pedagogical approach involving the reader in a series of questions and answers, the series has allowed hundreds of thousands of readers over the years to absorb techniques known to be arduous and complex. Now available in English for the first time, this edition reflects the updates made by Lebely in 2020. He did the revision alone, as Robert Berthe had passed away in 2016. The first part of the book teaches the techniques by leading the reader step by step through a series of examples. The second part consists of problem deals where what has been learned can be applied and reinforced. |
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