We Love The Majors

Item ImageWe Love The Majors
by Mary Ann Dufresne • Marion Ellingsen
List Price: $24.95  Price: $28.94
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254 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Want to learn to play bridge? Let Mary Ann Dufresne and Marion Ellingsoen get you started. You won't find a clearer, simpler presentation of the basic guidelines. Plus, the authors tell you about their winning bridge strategy: bid a major whenever you can! * Unlike many beginner's books, We Love the Majors doesn't oversimplify the game for ease of consumption. This is an honest presentation of the modern game - complexities and all - but expressed in terms everyone can understand and apply. * Want to teach begining bridge? You couldn't ask for a better student text. Students and teachers will find hundreds of examples, homework to test student knowledge and practice deals to play. The book includes an introduction to Stayman, transfers, and modern guidelines for competitive bidding. When looking for the right bid, We Love the Majors!