Item Image365 Winning Bridge Tips
by Danny Kleinman
List Price: $23.95  Price: $27.94
This is a Special Order item.
272 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Can you learn from the errors of others? Here is a collection of problems, mostly very simple ones, that gave a variety of players, mostly "intermediate" but including occasional beginners and experts, some trouble. You won't find bidding problems worthy of the Master Solvers' Club (a monthly Bridge World feature), declarer-play problems fit for "Test Your Play" (another Bridge World feature) or . . . read more.

Item Image365 Winning Bridge Tips (E-BOOK)
by Danny Kleinman
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
272 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI)

Can you learn from the errors of others? Here is a collection of problems, mostly very simple ones, that gave a variety of players, mostly "intermediate" but including occasional beginners and experts, some trouble. You won't find bidding problems worthy of the Master Solvers' Club (a monthly Bridge World feature), declarer-play problems fit for "Test Your Play" (another Bridge World feature) or . . . read more.

Item ImageAn Entry, An Entry, My Kingdom For An Entry
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $14.36  You Save: 20%
170 pages. Paperback.

This little word is vital in every bridge player's lexicon in its entirety, and especially important is the final syllable--TRY. A clear understanding of this topic should be one of the top priorities of every bridge player. When the dummy comes down, both the declarer and the defenders should be thinking about entries. Declarer is planning the transportation between the hands while the defenders . . . read more.

Item ImageDown The Convention Card (E-BOOK)
by Danny Kleinman
Price: $10.00
208 pages. E-book (PDF)

This book will guide you through the ACBL convention card, outlining some of the options for each portion, and making some recommendations about which options to choose--always with partnership agreement and ample partnership discussion. Without partnership agreements, some calls are utterly unusable, as default meanings do not always exist. A properly filled-out convention card does not describe . . . read more.

Item ImageEliminations and Endplays
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $14.36  You Save: 20%
155 pages. Paperback.

Card play at bridge embraces both declarer play and defense. Hundreds of books have been written about it. Our approach here, as in our previous books, is to focus on a particular deal type. Repeated experience with a theme makes it easier to recognize deal types and employ the appropriate techniques for each. A common and important line of play is elimination play, eliminating the side suits to . . . read more.

Item ImageHuman Bridge Errors
Volume 1 of Infinity
by Chthonic • Danny Kleinman • Nick Straguzzi
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
232 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Chthonic, the irascible bridge-playing computer, is back. This time, he's attempting to teach humans a little about the game of bridge - not in order to turn them into competent players, as he recognizes that is impossible. But he thinks he may be able to get the reader to the point where his cell phone won't laugh at him behind his back every time he plays a card. Each chapter of this wickedly f . . . read more.

Item ImageHuman Bridge Errors (E-BOOK)
Volume 1 of Infinity
by Chthonic • Danny Kleinman • Nick Straguzzi
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
232 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI)

Chthonic, the irascible bridge-playing computer, is back. This time, he's attempting to teach humans a little about the game of bridge - not in order to turn them into competent players, as he recognizes that is impossible. But he thinks he may be able to get the reader to the point where his cell phone won't laugh at him behind his back every time he plays a card. Each chapter of this wickedly f . . . read more.

Item ImageImproving Your Timing
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
187 pages. Paperback.

Timing is everything. Playing a bridge hand, either as declarer or defender is often difficult enough. But in addition, knowing when to do whatever it is you are supposed to do adds another perspective to the game. Card play includes recognition of deal types that can guide you to the best plan. This book examines which of the tasks you hope to accomplish must be done when. Whether you declare . . . read more.

Item ImageLOL: It's Loser-On-Loser
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $14.36  You Save: 20%
168 pages. Paperback.

Just what is LOL? Yes, a common abbreviation for Laughing Out Loud, and often used to refer to a Little Old Lady, but in bridge it means a Loser-On-Loser play. At times a declarer can improve his/her situation by playing a losing card from one hand on a loser in a different suit from the hand opposite. This occurs when a player has a loser in two suits but can arrange to lose them both on one tri . . . read more.

Item ImageSecond Hand High, Third Hand Not So High
No Rules, Just Right
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
206 pages. Paperback.

"Second hand low" and "third hand high" are adages we learned in Bridge 101 along with others like "cover an honor with an honor" and "always return your partner's suit." These so-called rules will get you by, but they won't see you very far. Second hand must become familiar with certain basic positions to try to foil declarer's plans, often by playing second hand high. Likewise, many contracts a . . . read more.

Item ImageSimple Squeezes Made Simple
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
104 pages. Paperback.

Squeezes. Just the word strikes fear into the heart of many bridge players. But simple squeezes are actually quite simple. The single or simple squeeze accounts for 90% of squeezes and 90% of this book deals with simple squeezes. If you wish to become more than just a mediocre bridge player mastering the techniques of basic simple squeeze play is a must. In any session of bridge of twenty or so d . . . read more.

Item ImageSlam Bidding (E-BOOK)
by Danny Kleinman
Price: $10.00
181 pages. E-book (PDF)

Technique, philosophy and methods applied to slam-level decisions; many recommendations and evaluations of possibilities. . . . read more.

Item ImageSolving the Mystery of the Redouble
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $14.36  You Save: 20%
120 pages. Paperback.

More often than any other calls in bridge, redoubles produce confusion. When they do, the resulting disasters are more catastrophic than any others. Many doubles originally treated as penalty have been supplanted by conventional doubles. So also many "business" redoubles, originally used to quadruple the stakes, have been diverted to other uses. In this book we shall show you how to tell the diff . . . read more.

Item ImageSuit Preference
The Abused and Misused Signal
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
98 pages. Paperback.

If there was ever an area in bridge that resembles walking thru a mine field this is it. No topic causes more confusion and arguments than suit preference signals. "Partner, I played a deuce. Why didn't you switch to a club?" is heard everywhere all the time. Most signals in bridge are attitude and some are count. At the end of the line are suit preference signals. And yet, they can be found in t . . . read more.

Item ImageThe NoTrump Zone
by Danny Kleinman
List Price: $19.95  Price: $23.94
This is a Special Order item.
192 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

Notrump openings, and the constructive auctions that follow them, are two of the most neglected areas in bridge literature. Following on from his popular articles in the ACBL Bulletin, Kleinman discusses the principles behind notrump bids and rebids in a variety of situations, emphasizing the ideas and concepts rather than attempting to teach a series of rigid rules. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe NoTrump Zone (E-BOOK)
by Danny Kleinman
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
192 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI)

Notrump openings, and the constructive auctions that follow them, are two of the most neglected areas in bridge literature. Following on from his popular articles in the ACBL Bulletin, Kleinman discusses the principles behind notrump bids and rebids in a variety of situations, emphasizing the ideas and concepts rather than attempting to teach a series of rigid rules. . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Principle of Restricted Talent
by Danny Kleinman • Nick Straguzzi
List Price: $18.95  Price: $22.94
This is a Special Order item.
196 pages. Paperback. Also available as an E-book.

An anthology of humorous stories featuring Chthonic, the bridge-playing robot. The stories draw unmercifully funny portraits of human bridge players, as Chthonic's bridge brilliance and abrasive and ill-concealed contempt for his human creators leave them all in his wake. A particular target is the pompous Director of the Cybernetics Research Institute, whose opinion of his own bridge expertise d . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Principle of Restricted Talent (E-BOOK)
by Danny Kleinman • Nick Straguzzi
List Price: $9.99  Sale Price: $7.99  You Save: 20%
196 pages. E-book (PDF • EPUB • MOBI)

An anthology of humorous stories featuring Chthonic, the bridge-playing robot. The stories draw unmercifully funny portraits of human bridge players, as Chthonic's bridge brilliance and abrasive and ill-concealed contempt for his human creators leave them all in his wake. A particular target is the pompous Director of the Cybernetics Research Institute, whose opinion of his own bridge expertise d . . . read more.

Item ImageThe Search for a Second Suit
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Sale Price: $14.36  You Save: 20%
178 pages. Paperback.

Becoming a good declarer starts with some basic principles. All the books tell you the same thing; before playing to Trick 1, think and form a plan. But what should you think about? Players often look at a deal and see a new mystery, a complex problem. They become overwhelmed. Of all the ways of winning tricks, cashing high cards and taking finesses are easiest. But establishing a long suit requi . . . read more.

Item ImageTo Ruff or Not to Ruff
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $23.95  Sale Price: $19.16  You Save: 20%
157 pages. Paperback.

To ruff or not to ruff. The question seems so easy. To draw trumps promptly or is there something else to do first? Declarer has so many options. Ruff in dummy, a ruffing finesse, a crossruff, a dummy reversal, even a trump coup or scoring a trump 'en passant'. And preventing the opponents from obtaining ruffs. What about the defenders? Should they be the ones to draw trumps? Can they spin straw . . . read more.

Item ImageTrump Promotion
The Uppercut
by Dr. James Marsh Sternberg • Danny Kleinman
List Price: $17.95  Price: $21.94
This is a Special Order item.
92 pages. Paperback.

How do defenders win trump tricks? Other than having high honors, natural winners, it's by getting an early ruff of a short suit. Far more fulfilling and intriguing possibilities arise in poking away at declarer's trump suit and plucking out an unexpected trick. Trump promotion has been described as the magic of creating trump tricks that didn't exist at the beginning of the deal. The basis for t . . . read more.